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Title: Content-specific and Pedagogical Knowledge: An Approach for Enhanced Science Education for Self-Reliance in Nigeria
Authors: Bello, M. R.
Wushishi, D. I.
Dagoli, A. T.
Issue Date: Oct-2014
Publisher: School of Technology Education (STE), FUT Minna
Citation: Bello, M. R., Wushishi, D. I. & Dagoli, A. T. (2014). Content-Specific and Pedagogical Knowledge: An Approach for Enhanced Science Education for Self-Reliance in Nigeria. Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference of the School of Technology Education, Federal University of Technology, Minna. 237 – 242.
Abstract: The paper discussed the concepts of content specific and pedagogically knowledgeable science educator in the delivery of science curricular in Nigeria. It examined the notion of discipline-specific knowledge (DPK) which is delineated into two distinct traditional lines of research and was broken down into several dimensions and components of knowledge base required for science teaching. In addition, some pedagogical approaches and their basic assumptions were highlighted as a correlate for effective delivery of science curricular. It was concluded that, we need science educators that have content specific and pedagogical knowledge for Nigeria to become a giant nation and enhance the attainment of self-reliance of its citizens in all spheres of national development.
Description: Conference Proceedings
ISBN: 979-978-52341-0-7
Appears in Collections:Science Education

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