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Title: Congestion Management on GSM Networks using Traffic Class Prioritization
Authors: Omotoye, Kayode O
Inyiama, H.C.
Akogbe, M
Olaniyi, Olayemi Mikail
Keywords: Congestion
Service Rate
Traffic Class
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: IJERT
Citation: Omotoye K, Inyiama H, Akogbe M and Olaniyi, O. M (2014),” Congestion Management on GSM Networks Using Traffic Class Prioritization ”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT),India, 3(12),: 474-478
Abstract: Congestion remains a major challenge to GSM service provision both to the service providers as well as the subscribers. This work determines an efficient way to manage congestion effectively in GSM Networks during peak periods using the developed traffic-class prioritization algorithm. Performance evaluation of the algorithm showed that real-time traffic has better preference over non- real-time traffic and that optimum efficiency is achieved during congestion periods when it is used. Further research was recommended to include handoff scheme in the algorithm and to implement the algorithm on a higher level network node such as the base station controller (BSC).
Description: Congestion Management on GSM Networks using Traffic Class Prioritization
Appears in Collections:Computer Engineering

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