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Title: Semi-Automatic Generation of Mosaic from Overlapping Images using MATLAB
Authors: Ajayi, Oluibukun Gbenga
Odumosu, J. O
Okorocha, C. V
Nzelibe, I. C
Ahmadu, H. A
Bawa, S
Keywords: Image registration
Automated system
Mosaic generation
Image processing
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Studies
Abstract: Construction of Mosaic from overlapping images is a crucial issue in change detection and other applications. Image registration which seek to fuse images acquired in patches together is a laborious and computationally intensive task. This study presents a user-assisted (Geometric based) image registration algorithm using the Image Processing Toolbox of MATLAB. Orthogonal Transformation, Affine, and Projective Transformation functions were applied and Root Mean Square Deviation was used for the evaluation of mismatch (errors). The results proved that Registration based on Projective Transformation function was of better accuracy than the Affine Transformation function while Orthogonal Transformation based registration gave the poorest result.
Description: O. G. Ajayi, J. O. Odumosu, C. V. Okorocha, I. C. Nzelibe, H. A. Ahmadu, S. Bawa., (2014). Semi-Automatic Generation of Mosaic from Overlapping Images using MATLAB. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Studies, 2(4), 1-15. ISSN 2053-5783(Print), ISSN 2053-5791(online).
Appears in Collections:Surveying & Geoinformatics

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