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Title: Evaluation of Aqueous Neem (Azardirachta indica) Leaf Solution for the Control of Bacterial Soft Rot of Potato Tubers (Solanum tuberosum).
Authors: Oyewale, R. O.
Bdliya, B.S.
Bello, L.Y.
Isah, A.S.
Keywords: Azardractha indica, concentration, Erwinia carotovorum, Solanum tuberosum
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Publisher: International Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abuja.
Citation: R.O. Oyewale, B.S. Bdliya, L.Y.Bello and A.S. Isah. (2012) Evaluation of Aqueous Neem (Azardirachta indica) Leaf Solution for the Control of Bacterial Soft Rot of Potato Tubers (Solanum tuberosum). International Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abuja. 2 (2). 80-86.
Abstract: The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design with four replications in the pathology laboratory of the Department of Crop Protection, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of neem leaf solution on the control of soft rot disease of potato (Erwinia carotovorum spp. Carotovorum). The treatments were prepared in four concentrations; 10%, 25%, 50%, 100% of the neem extract and distilled water as control. The result showed that the lowest incidence (p<0.05) and severity of soft rot were obtained on tuber treated with concentrated neem solution
Description: Crop protection
ISSN: 2276-8378
Appears in Collections:Crop Production

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