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Authors: Kasim, Muhammad Bala
Saka, Katamba Abubakar
Akor, Philip Usman
Keywords: Quality,Information resources, Tertiary Institutions, Academic libraries, Users’ satisfactions, Niger state, Nigeria
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: journal of information, education, science and technology(FUT minna).
Abstract: The study investigated the influence of the quality of information resources on tertiary students` satisfaction in academic libraries in Niger State. The study employed survey research design. Stratified sampling techniques was used to draw 364 students out of a population of 6,970 students from six tertiary institutions in Niger State that were used for the study.Three (3) research questions guided the study. Influence of Quality of Information Resources on Tertiary students` Satisfaction Questionnaire. (IQUIRTSQ) was used as data collection instrument. The in strument passed through validation by lecturers/researchers in the field of Librarianship for their inputs. The modified version of the instrument was used to conduct a pilot test in libraries outside the study location using a split-half method. The data generated were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha formula. The result showed that the instrument generated 0.719 reliability coefficient on the Cronbach Alpha scale. The instrument was administered on respondents with the help of trained research assistants in each faculty/school of the institutions under investigation. Response rate showed that out of 364 copies administered 266 copies were duely filled and returned representing 73% response rate of the total sample. Descriptive statistics was used for both demographic data of respondents and research questions. The study revealed that the available information resources in the libraries possess such considerable qualities as relevan ce, accessibility, adequacy, authenticity, good authority and clarity and have to a very great extent satisfied users information need. Inadequate reading chairs and tables, rampant power outa ge, poor ventilation and lightening, lack of awareness on the arrival of new library materials, improper user education etc. were inhibiting factors to effective utilization of information resour ces and users` satisfaction in academic libraries in Niger State. The study recommended that aca demic libraries in Niger State should be adequately stocked with adequate information resources, academic libraries in Niger State should make available qualitative information resources, the library collection should be relevant current, reliable to meet users’ satisfaction. Current awareness services, seating materials, etc should be adequately taken care of.
Description: article
ISSN: 2360-8846
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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