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Title: Effects of Videodisc Mediated and Computer Assisted Instructional Packages on Achievement of Junior Secondary School Mathematics Students in Geometry in Minna, Nigeria
Authors: Alabi, T. O.
Omeiza, E.
Falode, O. C.
Keywords: Achievement
Computer Assisted Instruction
Issue Date: Dec-2015
Publisher: Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMED)
Citation: Alabi, T. O., Omeiza, E. & Falode C. O. (2015). Effects of videodisc mediated and computer assisted instructional packages on achievement of junior secondary school mathematics students in geometry in Minna, Nigeria. Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMED), 11(3), 227-237.
Series/Report no.: 11/3;227-237
Abstract: The study was carried out to investigate the effects of Videodisc mediated and Computer assisted instructional packages on achievement of junior secondary school students’ geometry in Minna metropolis, Niger State. A quasi – experimental, pretest – posttest experimental and control groups design was used in carrying out the research. The study strive to answer four research questions. One hundred and twenty students from three selected schools (male and Female) formed the sample for the study. Two treatment instruments were used which are Videodisc and computer instrument as they were assigned to the Experimental groups and the Convectional method was assigned to the control group. Geometry Achievement Test (GAT) containing twenty multiple choice tests was used for data collection. The reliability coefficient of the item instrument is (r = 0.85). Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test formulated four hypotheses and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The finding showed that videodisc mediated instructional package performed significantly better than the computer Assisted Instructional packages and the control group. There was statically no significant difference in the mean achievement of male and female students of Videodisc mediated and Computer Assisted instructional strategy. The study recommended that Mathematics teachers should endeavor to use VDMIS in presenting Mathematics lessons especially Geometry in schools to arouse the love for Mathematics by students.
ISSN: 0748-4710
Appears in Collections:Educational Technology

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