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Title: Provision of Workshop Tools and Equipment: Necessity for Technical Vocational Education Graduates Skills Acquisition
Authors: Audu, R.
Aede, H.B.M.
Yusri, B.K.
Muhammad, S.B.S.
Keywords: Workshop Tools and Equipment
Technical Vocational Education
Graduates Skills Acquisition
Issue Date: 7-Oct-2013
Publisher: Faculty of Education, Universiiti Teknologi Malaysia
Citation: Audu, R, Aede H.B.M., Yusri B. K., Muhammad S. B. S. (2013). Provision of Workshop Tools and Equipment: Necessity for Technical Vocational Education Graduates Skills Acquisition. In M. S. Abu, H. Djaali, S. Siraj, M. B. Ali Eta ‘l. (Eds). Developing Qualified and Affordable Education System. Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education (ISQAE).Held at KSL Hotel & Resort Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia. From 7th- 10th October 2013. Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 74-78. Accessed at:
Abstract: Technical Vocational Education (TVE) is recognized as that aspect of education which leads to the acquisition of practical and applied skills that will enable its recipients to secure employment in a particular occupation. These skills cannot be acquired in a vacuum but rather in a well- established and functional workshop with the right tools, equipment and machines for effective implementation of the program. This paper discussed extensively on the provision of workshop tools and equipment as a necessity for TVE graduates skills acquisition that will enable them to be gainfully employed. The paper highlights on the concept and importance of TVE. Issues concerning workshop tools and equipment in TVE in Nigeria and the constraints to effective implementation of TVE with respect to workshop tools and equipment were discussed. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations made amongst which are: that special intervention funds should be set aside by government for procurement of workshop facilities to TVE institutions, such channels may include Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) as practiced in Nigeria and a specific percentage of Income tax generated annually by Government should be utilized for the provision of workshop facilities to TVE institutions.
Description: Conference Proceedings
ISBN: 978-967-12174-1-2
Appears in Collections:Industrial and Technology Education

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