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Title: Invitro anticoccidial effect of ethanolic extract of neem leaves (Azadirachracta indica) on coccidia oocysts
Authors: Yusuf, F.Y.
Adama, J.Y.
Usman, A.
Keywords: Neem leaves, ethanolic extract, coccidia, sporozoites and inhibition.
Issue Date: Mar-2021
Publisher: Proccedings of 46TH Annual conference of the Nigerian society for Animal Production
Series/Report no.: ;Pp:161-164
Abstract: Coccidiosis over the years has been one of the most important poultry parasitic disease which has led to huge economic losses as such the need to mitigate this menace becomes inevitable. Neem plant extract was used in this study. Neem plant leaves was harvested and dried at 50oc in a hot air oven and grinded. 100g of powder was macerated in 1.5litres of ethanol and stirred daily at 3hours interval for 72hours, and then filtered using Whatman Paper No 3. The filtrate was concentrated by evaporating the solvent at 75°C using a rotatory evaporator (Buchi R-200) to obtain the extract. The extract was prepared at different concentrations of 20, 30, 40 and 50mg/ml and dissolved with Dimethyl sulphoxide (Dmso). The diluted extract was transferred into petric-dishes and placed equal amount of oocyst (100oocyst) was also added then incubated at 28 -300c for 24 – 48hours. The sporozoites were counted using malasses counting chamber. The number of viable sporozoites and non-viable sporozoites was estimated by counting the number of sporozoites in a total of 100 oocysts. The result showed parasites recovery rate of 63.0, 18.2, 27.6, 52.9 and 55.1 % for control, 50, 40, 30 and 20mg/ml respectively. Similarly, the result showed parasites inhibition rate of 27.0, 45.0, 42.0, 32.0 and 31.0% for control, 50. 40, 30 and 20mg/ml respectively. The findings indicate 50mg/ml concentration to have given the best parasites inhibition effect. It is established in this study that Neem plant extract can serve as an alternative to synthetic anticoccidia drugs and hence its use is encouraged as it is cheaper and readily available in the study area.
Appears in Collections:Animal Production

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