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Title: Information Communication Technology and Youth Development.
Authors: Umeh, A.E.
Maduabuchi, M.U.
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Publisher: African Journal of Allied Education. Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu.
Citation: Umeh, A.E., Maduabuchi, M.U. (2013). Information Communication Technology and Youth Development. African Journal of Allied Education. Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu. 7(1), 143-149.
Series/Report no.: 7(1);
Abstract: Information communication technologies are the combination of items or equipment (hardware) and computer program (software) that allow every individual to access, retrieve, store, organise, manipulate and present information by electronic means. Information communication technologies boom or bane on youths was investigated through the researcher designed questionnaire. The design of the study was descriptive survey. 24 youths from science education department, computer science department and industrial technology education department, federal university of technology Minna, were surveyed. The instrument for data collection was information communication technologies questionnaire (ICTQ). The (ICTQ) contained questions related to youth's demographic characteristics and liked scale questions pertaining to youths effects and defects of using information communication technologies. The data collected were analyzed using means and standard deviation statistics. Findings from the investigation revealed that information communication technologies have more effects on youths than the defects. The implication of these showed that youths should embrace these technologies to be able to meet the needs of today, since technologies provides the ability to tailor learning to individual needs communities, societies and nation at large.
ISSN: 2006-151X
Appears in Collections:Educational Technology

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