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Title: Food and feeding habits of Heterotis niloticus from River Kaduna floodplain
Authors: Gabriel Gana Bake
Sadiku, S.O.E
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: FISON
Abstract: A total of 61 Heterotis niloticus specimen were examined and evaluated to determine the food and feeding habits using the frequency of occurrence, point and dominance methods. The specimens had mean standard length of 27.09 plus or minus 4.73cm, total length of 33.40cm body weight of 90-900g. The gut length ranges from 34-104cm while the gut weight range from 2.79-130g. It was observed that the fish fed mostly on plankton with rotifers and polyscysits having the highest number of frequency and dominant value with mean value of 43.03 plus or minus 4.12 and 11.73 plus or minus 1.15, 37.45 plus or minus 3.27 and 8.32 plus or minus 0.38 respectively. Arcella had the least mean frequency of occurrence of 3.27 plus or minus 17. Amoeba sp had the least mean dominance value of 7.06 plus or minus 50 and Aphnocapsa sp had the least mean frequency of occurrence of 1.10 plus or minus 0.29 and Navicula sp had the least mean dominance value of 4.31 plus or minus 1.11. Heterotis niloticus of River Kaduna flood plain is therefore considered to be predominantly planktivorous
Appears in Collections:Water Resources, Aquaculture & Fisheries Technology

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