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Title: Enhancing School-to-Work Transition of Technology Education Graduates for Industrial Development in Niger State, Nigeria
Authors: Umar, I. Y.
Idris, A. M.
Hassan, A. M.
Ma’aji, S. A.
Keywords: School-to-work transition
School based learning
Work based learning
Industrial supervisor
Issue Date: Mar-2016
Publisher: A Bi-Annual Peer Review Research Journal. Indian Journal of Vocational Education. Vol. 20 & 21. April 2014 – March 2016. Pp. 38 – 48
Series/Report no.: Vol. 20 & 21. April 2014 – March 2016. Pp. 38 – 48;
Abstract: This study was designed to determine the school -to-work transition of Technology education Graduates of tertiary institutions in Niger State. Specifically the study sought to determine the school-based learning activities that will enhance school-to-work transition of technology education graduates and the work-based learning activities that will enhance school-to-work transition of technology education graduates and the work-based learning activities that will enhance school-to-work transition of technology education graduates. Twenty four items structured questionnaire was developed and used for the study. The instrument was pilot tested on 12 respondents who are not part of the coefficient of the entire instrument was 0.81. a survey design was adopted and the respondents for the study were 122 made up of 68 Technology Education Lecturers and 54 industrial supervisors, the major findings of the study include among others that, involving students in workplace experience: creating informal linkages between the school and the industry; involving students in the organized on-the-job experiences and embarking of students on field trips are the school-based and work-based learning activities. That will enhance school-to-work transition. It was recommended that school-based learning and work-based learning should be encouraged in the technology education departments of tertiary institutions by involving students in workplace experience through workshop, conference and field trip for industrial development in Niger State.
ISSN: 0972-5830
Appears in Collections:Industrial and Technology Education

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