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Title: Assessment of Groundwater Potential of parts of Owerri, Southeastern Nigeria
Authors: Amadi, A. N.
Keywords: Assessment, Aquifer Characterization, Geophysical Survey, Borehole logs, Sieve analysis, Pumping test, Owerri, Benin Formation
Issue Date: Apr-2008
Publisher: School of Science and Science Education, Federal University of Technology, Minna
Abstract: The aquifer characteristics around Owerri, Southeastern Nigeria were evaluated using geophysical survey, borehole logs, sieve analysis and pumping test. The area lies on the Benin Formation of Southeastern Nigeria which is composed of loosely consolidated sands, sandstones and gravels with minor intercalations of clays. The study is an initial step towards providing information needed to develop techniques to protect the groundwater system in the area. The geophysical survey and borehole logs show that the area is sand dominated. The borehole logs and sieve analysis results indicate: coarse grained sand to medium grained sand to fine grained sand to gravel to (silt & clay). Pumping test results give trasmissivity ranging from 1008.3m2/day to 1551.0m2/day. The storativity varies from 3.04 to 4.32. The hydraulic conductivity is of the order of 0.06cm/sec to 0.49cm/sec. the findings indicate that the area has high groundwater potentials.
ISSN: ISSN 1596-9770
Appears in Collections:Geology

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