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Title: Factors affecting the adoption of upland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties in Agricultural Zone 1 of Niger State, Nigeria
Authors: Tsado, J. H.
Ajayi, O. J.
David, T. G.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education, 5: 56 – 65
Abstract: The study was conducted in Agricultural Zone I of Niger State, Nigeria. A total of 75 upland NERICA farmers were sampled. Data for the study were collected through structured questionnaire/interview schedule. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Probit regression). The result revealed that the majorities (62.70%) of the respondents were still in their productive age between 21 – 50 years and 84.0% had one form of education or the other. The result of the study also showed that there was high level of awareness of different NERICA varieties among the respondents; the most popular were NERICA 7 (100.0%), NERICA 1 (92.0%) and NERICA 8 (96.0%). Similarly, the most adopted varieties include NERICA 7 (92.0%), NERICA 1 (81.3%) and NERICA 8 (73.3%). It was also found that the adoption of upland NERICA rice was influenced by farmers age, family size and education at 1% level of probability and farm size at 10%. The constraints perceived by the NERICA farmers as serious were: problem of weed, climate problem and high cost of technologies. It is recommended that NERICA varieties that can withstand weed competition be developed and irrigation facilities be provided through public and private partnership efforts. Key words: Adoption, upland, NERICA, rice farmers
Appears in Collections:Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

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