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Title: Agricultural Extension Teaching Methods and the adoption of Improved Rice Varieties among Small Scale Famers in Edu LGA of Kwara State.
Authors: Tyabo, I. S.,
Umar, A.,
Ibrahim, M.,
Muhammed, H. U.,
Muhammed, U.S.
Keywords: Extension education, Adoption, Output and Improved rice arieties.
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Publisher: Savannah Journal of Agriculture
Series/Report no.: Volume 8;2
Abstract: This study assesses the role of agricultural extension teaching methods on the adoption of improved ri e varieties among small scale farmers in Edu local government area ofKwara State, to achieve the rudy obje ow: multistage random sampling technique was used to select 160 respondents from five village ofEdu 10 al go emment, The data collected were analyzed using descripti e statistics. multiple regre sion anal) is. and T- te The re ult showed that 48.5% of the adopters of impro ed rice arieties were in the activ e age range of between "'0The result further shows that demonstration (Small Plot Adoption Technique-SPAT with a proportion of the best extension teaching method for adoption of impro ed rice, arietie b mall scale farme in the tud.. are The regression analyses on the estimation factors that affect the output of respondents showed that land ize. educational status and adoption rate were statistically significant and have po itive relationship with their output. The T- test result of the output of adopters of improved rice varieties and non -adopters was statisticall siznifi am (2.579) at 5% level. Some of the problems encountered by the respondent in the tud area include inadequat technical knowledge on improved rice varieties poor communication channel and difficultie in a ing improved varieties of seed. Formulation of agricultural policies that "rill enhance better communicati n hannels. adequate and timely supply of inputs such as improved seeds of rice and fertilizer proviion of adequate kn vledge on the control of pest and diseases will increase the adoption of rice and output of the farmers in the study area,
ISSN: 1597-9377
Appears in Collections:Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

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