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dc.contributor.authorAljawhara, H. Almuqrin-
dc.contributor.authorBadriah, Albarzan-
dc.contributor.authorOlarinoye, I.O.-
dc.contributor.authorAshok, Kumar-
dc.contributor.authorNorah, Alwadai-
dc.contributor.authorSayyed, M.I-
dc.identifier.uri 10.3390/ma14133466-
dc.description.abstractThe Makishima and Mackenzie model has been used to determine the mechanical properties of the PbO‐WO3‐Na2O‐MgO‐B2O3 glass system. The number of bonds per unit volume of the glasses (nb) increases from 9.40 × 1022 to 10.09 × 1022 cm−3 as the PbO content increases from 30 to 50 mol%. The Poisson’s ratio (σ) for the examined glasses falls between 0.174 and 0.210. The value of the fractal bond connectivity (d) for the present glasses ranges from 3.08 to 3.59. Gamma photon and fast neutron shielding parameters were evaluated via Phy‐X/PSD, while that of electrons were calculated via the ESTAR platform. Analysis of the parameters showed that both photon and electron attenuation ability improve with the PbO content. The fast neutron removal cross section of the glasses varies from 0.094–0.102 cm−1 as PbO molar content reduced from 50–30 mol%. Further analysis of shielding parameters of the investigated glass system showed that they possess good poten‐ tial to function in radiation protection applications.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGrant no. 42‐FTTJ‐74en_US
dc.subjectMakishima and Mackenzie modelen_US
dc.subjectYoung’s modulusen_US
dc.subjectlow energyen_US
dc.titleMechanical and Gamma Ray Absorption Behavior of PbO‐WO3‐Na2O‐MgO‐B2O3 Glasses in the Low Energy Rangeen_US
Appears in Collections:Physics

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