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Title: Investigation of the Phytochemical and Nutritional Potential of Locally Prepared Aqeous Extract of Sorghum vulgare’s Stalk
Authors: Salau, Rasaq Bolakale
Bisiriyu, Muhammed Taoheed
Keywords: Sorghum vulgare, nutritional, medicinal, decoction, phytochemical
Issue Date: 31-Dec-2015
Publisher: Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMED)
Citation: Salau, R. B., Muhammad, A., Bisiriyu, M. T., Momoh, B. A., Usman, B., & Salisu, A. (2015). Investigation of the Phytochemical and Nutritional Potential of Locally Prepared Aqeous Extract of Sorghum vulgare’s Stalk. Journal of Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education. 11(3):57-64.
Series/Report no.: ;11(3):57-64
Abstract: Sorghum vulgare is a beneficial plant whose stalks are still under-explored. The need to examine its nutritional and medicinal values becomes critical as its stalk decoctions are becoming widespread local drink preparations. Samples of sorghum (guinea corn) were obtained from six selected farm lands in Minna, North central zone of Nigeria. They were dried, finely grounded and kept as both whole and extract samples. Extraction by decoction method was used. Proximate composition and elemental determinations were carried out on both sample types. Phytochemical screening were also carried out on only aqueous extract which is the only form in which the local drinks are prepared and consumed. The proximate shows prominent contents of ash, crude fibre, crude fat and carbohydrate values of whole and extract samples value which are (3.00%, 15%), (36.47%, Nil), (16.00%, 11.50%), (32.41%, 73.05%) respectively. Similarly the mean load of major essential elements: (Ca, Na, K and Mg) in mg/100g of the two forms showed (24.50, 40.30), (23.30, 15.70), (212.20, 142.90) and (14.00, 13.30). The mean load of trace essential elements: Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu gives (52.00, 25.00), (5.10, 5.60), (2.80, 2.70), and (0.70, 0.30) respectively. The aqeous extract showed prominent presence of alkaloid, cardiac glycoside, tannins and saponins while flavonoid was moderately present. The overall studies show that sorghum stalk possibly is not only capable of supplying nutrients but also could be a potential part of medicinal therapeutic formations.
ISSN: 0748 – 4710
Appears in Collections:Chemistry

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