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Title: Clients Contribution in Enhancing Safety Performance on Construction Site, Abuja
Keywords: Keyword: client, performance, project, safety and health.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: JES
Series/Report no.: Vol. 2(1);134-141
Abstract: It is important for the stakeholders in the construction industry to ensure that adequate protection against injuries and illness is provided to the construction workers safety while at work. Clients have been identified as one of the major stakeholders. Client stands a better chance of gaining accident free construction site, as cost of construction accidents and the legal liabilities in relation to workers’ injuries will no longer be an issue of concerned to them. However, little has been written about Nigerian client influence of construction site safety performance. This paper attempts to explore the contribution of Nigerian client in enhancing construction site safety with a view to improve construction site safety performance. The study largely derives mixed research approach and is a criteria – based research in which 44 Project Managers (PM) were selected for the study following the rules of Krejcie and Morgan, (1970). The administered questionnaire on the 44 PM’s were analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20. The result of the correlation analysis shows that influence of the client on safety performance is significant. Also, the result of regression analysis shows that client influence on construction site safety and health measures improves construction sites safety standard. It can be concluded that the client’s involvement significantly influence project safety performance. Clients can help improved safety performance by implementing a carefully designed, dynamic safety program. These programs can serve as a viable model for other construction stakeholders to emulate.
Appears in Collections:Quantity Surveying

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