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Authors: Olarinoye, I.O.
Igwe, KC
Keywords: Entrance skin dose,
image quality
exposure optimization
effective dose,
Issue Date: Apr-2008
Publisher: School of Environmental Tecnology, FUTMINNA (Environmental Technology and Science Journal)
Abstract: Diagnostic radiography is a leading cause of manmade radiation exposure to the populace. The various types of examinations vary considerably with respect to patient dose. Surveys have shown that further to the variation due to technical advancements over time, the applied doses depend rather significantly on the standard of radiological practice in a specific setting and on the individual radiographer. Factors which affect patient dose in a standard radiological practice can be grouped into three; technical factors, patient characteristics and frequency of examination. The technical factors are as determined by the individual radiographer. If optimal performance is to be achieved, it is necessary to understand how these factors affect radiation dose and option available for reducing it.
ISSN: 2006-0459
Appears in Collections:Physics

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