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Title: Effect of different Nitrogen sources on the Growth of maize and soybean in an intercrop system
Authors: Anthony, E.D
Uzoma, A. O
Keywords: Growth, Intercrop, Maize, Nitrogen, Soybean
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna
Citation: Anthony, E.D and Uzoma, A.O (2022). Effect of different Nitrogen sources on the Growth of maize and soybean in an intercrop system. In: Alabi, O.J, .Otu., B.O, Akande,K.E., Adediran, O.A., Muhammad, H.U., Yakubu, C.M., Rajan Sharma., Carolyne Cherotich., Ibrahim, A and Adesina, O.A (Editors). 2nd Climate Smart Agriculture in the Post COVID Era: A gate way to food security in Africa., Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology held at Caverton hall SAAT, FUT, Minna. 11th-13th December, 2022. Pp 731-737
Abstract: A pot experiment was conducted at the screen house of Federal University of Technology, Minna in the cropping season of 2019. The experimental soil was obtained from a location within Gidan Kwano campus with GPS coordinates of latitude 9o 311 N and longitude 6o 261 E. Maize variety Sammaz 27 and soybean variety TSB 4810 were intercropped per pot containing 14 kg of soil. A week after planting, they were thinned to one maize and one soybean seedling per pot, prior to the application of 4 nitrogen treatment sources. Treatments were then arranged in a Completely Randomized Design and replicated thrice. Basal applications of NPK and other micronutrients were supplied. Data collected were analyzed using ANOVA. Results showed that the different Nitrogen sources did not significantly affect the growth and leaf damage of maize. Excluding shoot biomass, nitrogen sources significantly affected all the growth parameters of soybean. Inoculated soybean nodulated significantly compared to soybeans treated with other nitrogen sources.
Appears in Collections:Soil Science and Land Management

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