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Title: Effect of Metacognitive Instructional Techniques on Students’ Achievement and Interest in Basic Science and Technology
Authors: Koroko, M. U. S.,
Bawa, S.,
Maryam, M
Kolo, A . C
Rachael, K.N
Fatima, M
Keywords: Metacognitive instructional techniques, students, basic science and technology, achievement, interest
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: . International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering. Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Citation: Koroko M. U. S., Baua S., Maryam Mohammed Kolo, Abdulrahim, \L; Rachael Kashi Nmadu & Fatima Musa (2023): Effect of Metacognitive Instructional Techniques on Students’ Achievement and Interest in Basic Science and Technology. International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering. Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Abstract: Abstract: The study adopted quasi-experimental design. The study was carried uul in Secondary Schools in Niger State. The population of the study consists of seven Secondary Schools in Niger State. The sample of study was two hundred and forty seven U4,) JSS 11, Basic science and technology students in Secondary Schools in Niger State. Basic science and technology Achievement Test (BSTAT) and Basic science and technology Interest Scale (BSTIS) were used as the instrument. The two instruments were validated by three experts from the Department of Industrial and Technology Education. Federal University of I ethnology. Minna. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to compute results of the trial testing after test re-test instrument administration and the results indicated positive correlation coefficient of 0.85 and 0 88 for BSTAT and BSTIS respectively. The researcher administered the instrument with the help of two research assistants Data for the study were collected through pre-test and post test using the Basic science and technology Achievement Test (BSTAT) and the Basic science and technology Interest Scale (BSTIS). Data collected were analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation to answer the two research questions while Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOVA) was used to test the two null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. From the findings, the study revealed that Metacognitive instructional techniques enhances students’ achievement in Basic science and technology in junior secondary schools more than the lecture method The finding also revealed that Metacognitive instructional techniques promotes students' interest in Basic science and technology in junior secondary schools more than the lecture method among others. The study therefore concluded that students’ poor achievement and interest in Banc science and technology informed the need for the study on the effect of Metacognitive instructional techniques on students’ achievement and interest in Basic science and technology in Niger slate.
Appears in Collections:Science Education

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