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Title: Linear Programing Formulations for Optimum Students Transportation Need in a University with two Campuses
Authors: Nyor, Ngutor
P. O. Evans
S. Audu
S. Henry
Keywords: Linear Programming, Objective Function
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Nigerian Journal of Mathematics and Applications
Abstract: This work aimed at optimizing student's transportation need and that of the transport agencies at Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria, which operates two campuses. Simplex method was used as a method of solution by making use of Linear Program Solver (LiPS) Software. The results from the Linear Programing formulations showed percentage increments of 10%, 6%, 17%, and 3% students for the respective cases considered. The models which involve increasing round trip time is useful to the Management of Bus Park on the campus in making better decisions for optimal student transportation need.
Appears in Collections:Mathematics

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