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Title: Evaluation of the Constraints in the Implementation of Public Private Partnership in Housing Delivery in Oyo Satae, Nigeria
Authors: Akinola, M.H.
Adedire, O.
Alagbe, O.A.
Akande, O.K.
Keywords: Public-Private Partnership, Constraint, Procurement strategy, Housing delivery
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: Tropical Journal of the Built Environment (TJOBE)
Citation: Akinola, et al., (2023).Evaluation of the Constraints in the Implementation of Public Private Partnership in Housing. Tropical Journal of the Built Environment (TJOBE) Vol. 4 No. 1 Delivery in Oyo State, Nigeria
Abstract: In developing countries, public-private partnerships (PPPs) have gained popularity as a strategy for housing procurement because of a lack of financial resources and the insufficiency of public funds for housing delivery. In an emerging economy such as Nigeria, a number of impediments to the adoption of PPPs have culminated in a drop in interest from both domestic and international private investors. Thus, there is a need for a well-designed PPP scheme with significant consideration to create an enabling environment within which PPP can be successfully implemented. The aim of this study is to evaluate the constraints in the implementation of PPP in housing delivery in Oyo state. A quantitative research approach was adopted for this study using a questionnaire survey to obtain data from experts (N=120) in the housing industry in Ibadan. SLEEPT (Social, Legal, Economic, Environmental, Political, and Technological) approach was adopted to categorise the barriers identified in the literature for respondents to rate using a 5-point Likert scale. Findings shows that political, economic, environmental and technological constraints have greater influence on the implementation of PPP for housing delivery. This paper concludes that for PPP to be fully implemented for housing delivery, there would be a need to give significant attention to addressing the identified barriers in the state. It recommends the creation of an enabling environment for a well-functioning partnership as a crucial approach to the successful implementation of PPP for housing delivery.
Appears in Collections:Architecture

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