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Title: Isolation of some non-polar constituents from the fruits of Faidherbia albida
Authors: FADIPE, Labake Ajoke
Mann, A.
Dasaba, V.
Usman, D. O.
Olajide, P.
Keywords: Faidherbia albida , non-polar compounds, spectroscopy, fatty acids and fatty acid ester
Issue Date: 2-Dec-2015
Publisher: International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry, 4(4), 767 – 774
Citation: FADIPE, A. L., Mann, A., Dasaba, V., Usman, D. O. & Olajide, P. (2015). Isolation of some non-polar constituents from the fruits of Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev. International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry, 4(4), 767 – 774
Series/Report no.: 3;2
Abstract: IJAPBC –Vol. 4(4), Oct - Dec, 2015 ISSN: 2277 - 4688 767 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHARMACY, BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY Research Article ABSTRACT Faidherbia albida , also known as Acacia albida is a pod-bearing medicinal plant that has been reported to possess several medicinal uses and invariably some bioactives. In this study, the isolation, characterization and identification of some bioactives from the petroleum ether-soluble portion of the methanol extract of the fruits was carried out. This was achieved using techniques, such as extraction, partitioning, fractionation, chromatography, separation and purification to afford five major partially purified fractions. GC-MS of two of these fractions revealed the presence of some saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and fatty acid esters. Further purification of the two fractions led to the isolation of four non-polar compounds that were characterized based on physical, chemical, spectral and literature search. The compounds were identified as stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, methyl ester and linolenic acid, methyl ester , all reported for the first time from the fruits of F. albida
ISSN: 2277 - 4688
Appears in Collections:Chemistry

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