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Authors: UMAR, Aniefon Suleiman
Issue Date: Jul-2023
Abstract: Literature on employability skills of built environment graduates shows that a gap exists between expected and possessed skills in graduates and employers have lost confidence in built environment graduates. This has resulted in high rate of unemployment amongst built environment graduates. In view of this, the study assessed the skills and competencies offered by built environment graduates in construction firms in Abuja, with a view to bridging the gap between academic knowledge and professional practice. Data were collected from 146 professionals in construction companies listed in the Abuja business directory using structured questionnaires with a response rate of 91.8%. Random sampling technique was adopted for the study. The analysis of data was carried out using descriptive statistics such as of percentage and Mean Item Score (MIS). The study identified 10 drivers of the development of skills and competencies for built environment graduates in construction firms in Abuja of which individual resources (MIS = 4.85) are the most significant. It was also revealed that financial difficulty (MIS = 4.85) and rapid technology advancement (MIS = 4.61) are the most significant barriers to the development of skills and competencies for built environment graduates, while verbal and written communication (basic skills) (MIS = 4.80) and entrepreneurship and managerial competencies (MIS = 4.71) are the most significant skills and competencies possessed by built environment graduates. The most important role of professional associations in the development of skills and competencies of built environment graduates is using course accreditation processes to ensure that University programme design focuses on the development of professionals (MIS = 4.76). The study also discovered that the most effective strategies for improving the skills and competencies of built environment graduates is that Curriculum must be relevant to the industrial needs (MIS = 4.90). It was however concluded that the skills and competencies of built environment graduates in construction firms in Abuja can significantly bridge the gap between academic knowledge and professional practice and enhance their level of employability provided certain strategies are effectively implemented. Major recommendation from the study was that academic institutions offering built environment courses should ensure that their curriculums are relevant with respect to industrial needs; graduates need to change their attitudes and personalities to be competitive; and government must be committed to assisting with employability skills training programs.
Appears in Collections:Masters theses and dissertations

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