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Authors: SULAIMAN, Fatima
Issue Date: Aug-2021
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of abacus and shapes on primary pupils’ mathematics achievement in Minna metropolis. A quasi experimental research design was adopted. The population for the study consists of all Primary I students in Minna metropolis. The target population of Primary I student of Kuyanbana School in Minna. A total student’s sample of 53 consisting of 27 males and 26 females. All schools offer courses in counting and basic calculation with particular reference to measurement, which is relevant to this study. The findings of the study revealed that there was significant difference in the post-test in the achievement of students taught Mathematics using shapes & abacus and those taught with conventional method. The outcome of the result shows that there is statistical significant different between the mean achievement score of students taught using shapes & abacus and those taught using conventional method, with the p-value (0.02) < 0.05. the findings emanated of the study that there no significant difference in the achievement scores of male and female students taught Mathematics using shapes & abacus. Hence, the use of the shapes & abacus is not gender bias. with p-value of 0.89, therefore the null hypothesis which is no significant difference in mean achievement score of male and female students taught using shapes & abacus was not rejected. Hence, there was no statistical significant different between male and female students’ achievement score when expose to shapes & abacus. Based on the findings of the study the following recommendation was made. The Ministry of Education should encourage the use of shapes & abacus in teaching Mathematics in primary School. School Authority and teachers should be enlightened on the importance of shapes & abacus in teaching. The students should also be enlightened on the importance of shapes & abacus for learning.
Appears in Collections:Educational Technology

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