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Issue Date: Mar-1998
Abstract: Management has been defined as the act of getting things done through people. The success or failure of management depends largely on participation or otherwise of the people involved. Human resources could be described as the back-bone of any organisation. Other resources that are of equal importance to an organisation are capital and equipments/Machineries. These two resources could only function resourcefully with the aid of human resources. This bring us to the functions ofhwnan resources in an organisation. Few of the functions are listed below. i) Getting things done in order to achieve the set goals of the organisation. ii) Identifying areas of problems which may hinder the set goals. iii) Bringing to the noti ce of management, ideas that can improve the set goals of the organisation. iv) Advising the management on how best to improve on the turn-over. v) Identifying the best method to beat competition and proffering the best solution for same. The above mentioned functions could be seen as the pivot points for the success of an organisation. It could not be over-emphasised therefore to recognise the contribution of human resources to the existence of an organisation. If the human resources of an organisation is not managed properly, the above points will not be realised at all. This study is not concern with any small organisation but a bigger one where the staff strength may be from 3,000 and above. Managing bigger staff without the use of computer may be cumbersome and tedious and as a result may bring some inegularities of which may hinder the participation of the staff to the success of the organisation. This project aim is to provide the personnel Management Department with latest technology usage in managing Human Resources. The issues and problems which the project are concerned with are Elements and latest Teclmology in Human Resources Management; Computerisation of Human Resources Management Economic Consideration on Human Resources Management.
Appears in Collections:Postgraduate diploma theses and dissertations.

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