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Authors: OGWUCHE, Roslyne Akor
Issue Date: Aug-2021
Abstract: Hunger and malnutrition continue to pose serious problems for many people in most developing countries including Nigeria. Insects have been reported to be rich in protein and other micronutrients but their consumption is limited by acceptability and seasonal availability. This study was carried out to determine the effects of cassava flakes diet fortified with protein from optimized Cirina forda on growth, histopathology and hematological parameters in albino rats. Experimental diets were formulated using soyabean, growth optimized and non-optimized Cirina forda as sources of protein, and cassava flakes as the basal diet. Proximate, anti-nutrient and mineral compositions were carried out using AOAC method while amino acid analysis was carried out on PTH Amino Acid Analyzer (Model 120A). Thirty (30) albino rats with average weight of 107.57 were divided into six (6) groups of 5 rats each and fed with various formulated diets and water ad libitium for 21 days. Group A (control) were fed with normal rat chow, while Groups B and C were fed with 10% and 20% soyabean protein (standard protein diets) respectively. Group D was fed 10% optimized Cirina forda protein, while Groups E and F were fed 10% non-optimized Cirina forda protein and 20% non-optimized Cirina forda protein respectively. Their weekly body weight and daily feed intake were measured. After the experimental period, the rats were sacrificed, blood samples collected and the liver, kidney and intestine excised for histopathological analyses. The hematological analyses were determined using auto-haematological analyser (Mindray BC-5300). Liver and kidney function tests were carried out using Spectrum, Teco and Agappe diagnostic assay kits. Histopathological analysis of the organs was carried out using Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining microscopic technique. Protein values for optimized Cirina forda (55.345 ±0.345) was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the non-optimised Cirina forda (51.335 ± 0.425). The weight gain in animals placed on 20% soyabean protein was significantly higher (P≤0.05) than in any other group, while the weight gain in animals fed with the non-optimised, optimized Cirina forda and rat chow were similar. This same trend is true for the organ/body weight ratios. The heamatological parameters, kidney function and liver function parameters though varied in all the groups were all within normal range. There was no abnormality in the histo-architecture of all the groups studied. The findings in this work showed that feeding of rats with cassava flakes supplemented with Cirina forda gave similar results with that of the 10% soybean diet and the control. The use of Cirina forda in diets may therefore find relevance in solving protein energy malnutrition (PEM) due to its high essential amino acids.
Appears in Collections:Masters theses and dissertations

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