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Issue Date: Nov-2003
Abstract: This study explores the possibility of using image intcrpr~La[i()ll technique to assess the ratc or growth and spatial pattern or urban built-up land usc in Minna town between 1982 and 1994. I,and COWl' maps or 1982 and IlN·t wcrl' prodlll'l'd hy visual interpretation of aerial photographs and SPOT satelli ll: imagl' rcspectiv~:ly. ThL' two maps were brought to the same scale and lancluse map or 1982 " 'as superimposed ()n Illnl! lise map or I <J(M. The resllit reved lcd thc~ change Ih~lt occurred in land usc hetween over the yems \Vhich \V,IS the developed into Illap of' increase in urban built-up land use between 1982 ane! 1994. The area covered by each of the classified categories of land use was computed for 1082 and 1994 and , the areas of increase in bui It-up portion between the periods were computed. The estim~l[i()n or area of each categories or IlInd use for I <)8::2 revc~t1ec.l tklt urban built-up land LIse, Carmlanc.l, IlHest, water and rock occupied 336.0, -+00.0. 3600.9, 55.1 and 88.0 hectares respectively and the percentage coverage by each categories of land use to the total area \vere 7.5, 8.9, 80.38. 1.23, and 1.96 percen! respectively. The 1993 land use area estimate shows that the urban built-up portion. farmland, water and rock category were 664.0, 1000, 2672.9. 55 .1 and 88.0 respectively while the percentage or al'ca COVl'r~lge lw l'~lch l';llq:!(l\'~ ol' land lise \verc 14.82, 22.32, 59.66, 1.23 and , 1.96 percent respectively. The estimation revealed that the built-up area land increased by 328 hectares ill 1994, the vegetal cover (rarmland and (orest) produced a decrease in area coverage by the saille 32g hectares. the expansion of the built-up area led to reduction in vegetal cover only. Rock und water did not changc during the study period. The estimation or the rate or change per year revealed that the built-up portion, farmland, and forest changes by +27.33, +50.00, water did not change during the study period. The estimation of the rate of change per year revealed that the built-up portion, farmland, and forest changes by +27.33, 50.00 - 77.33 hectares every year over the period of study but rock and water did not change. The emerging spatial pattern of Minna was irregular which is seem to conform with the multiple nuclei theory of urban growth
Appears in Collections:Masters theses and dissertations

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