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dc.contributor.authorABDULLAHI, ANGO MUSA-
dc.description.abstractThis research attempts to establish the relationship between variability in rainfall and crops yield in Kontago~'a farming community with expected advanced concrete suggestions for ameliorating the effect of flood and drought in the area. The main aim of this research is to determine tbe extent to which different variable rainfall years have affected crops yield of the peasant farmers in the study area. The data and analysis of this research has bee.n collected from the Niger State . . . . Agricultural Development Project (Gidan gona) Kontagora, station. I The work has established that variability in rainfall becomes more consistent after the 1982/83 drought years and that 1983 and 1993 has adversely affected the yields in crops through late planting, forced harvesting and crop failures. It has bee:l established that flood or drought years affected crop yields through destruction of failures. The effects of poor yields include out migr~tion, increase in the rate of theft, and changes of occupation. I It is suggested that resettlement schemes, dam construction, disaster Relief committee and more generous agricultural loan schemes should be under taken to minimize the physical and ameliorate the socio-economic effects of flood and drought in the area. As a long -term solution to the effects the following are recommended: the state government or fecleral government should embark on massive sinking of bore holes, desalination, canalization and drilling purposes in the areas prone to draught or even floods. Above all there should be research into adaptation of improved short - term varieties of crops such as cassava, maize, beans and sorghum etc that will alleviate the effect of variability in rainfall. And enlightenment campaign against settling along river valleys and flood terrains.en_US
dc.titleRAINFALL VARIABILITY AND CROP YIELD "A Case Study of Kontagora Fanning Community"en_US
Appears in Collections:Masters theses and dissertations

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