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Issue Date: Dec-2008
Abstract: Terrain evaluation in land based military operations requires the knowledge of terrain conditions which includes amongst others, mobility corridors and elevations Tor manoeuvring Armour Personnel Carriers and tanks. In addition, accuracy in the detection of vegetation cover, road networks and communication lines is of paramount importance for a successful military campaign. Accordingly, this research on digital terrain evaluation for military operations, using Minna and environs as a case study was undertaken to evaluate military terrain attributes of the study area through the application of digital terrain modelling. Remotely-sensed satellite data from Landsat 7 ETM+ of 2001 and topographic map of Minna SW of 1967 were used in graphic digitizing and image drape methodology to create a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), in which the processed satellite image was draped upon a created surface image to generate a 3-D perspective view of the study area. Military operational requirements such as inter-visibility, mobility, cover and concealment were examined in relation to the terrain of the study area. Analysis of the result indicated that remotely-sensed data can be used in conjunction with topographic map to create a DTM for military terrain analysis. Thus, the research found that DTM techniques are ideal in the generation of data for the interpretation and analysis of a terrain in terms of its varying degrees of suitability and unsuitability for the conduct of successful military campaign. For instance, 4.9% of the terrain of the study area would provide excellent cover and concealment for both ground and aerial observations during military operations. Amongst the recommendations of the research project are the need for the Nigerian Military to commence as a matter of importance the training of its personnel in the acquisition of remote sensing and GIS knowledge and also to establish an adequately equipped remote sensing/GIS laboratories in order to take advantage of the inherent capabilities of these new technologies in terrain analYSiS, especially in the present battlefield military manoeuvres.
Appears in Collections:Masters theses and dissertations

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