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Issue Date: Oct-2008
Abstract: The alarming rate at which the fringe of Nigeria's urban centres are growing deserves attention from planners which unfortunately the planners seem not to have noticed. This could pose as problems for many of our cities in their bid to get developed socially, physically and economically. Thus, the danger that lies in the continued uncoordinated growth of the urban fringes especially in Minna city is what prompted this study. The study among other things is able to identify the land use pattern and socio economic characteristics of Maikunkele area, which serves as a case study. The planning administration over the area by Minna planning Authority is also examined. In the light of the analysis of facts, and figures (data), series of " inadequacies ranging from physical, socio-economic to environmental problems were revealed. Major problems discovered include, the existence of on land use control, lack of necessary infrastructural amenities, poor environmental sanitation and problem of poverty and unemployment. Factors responsible for the problems of the study area are also identified and extensively discussed. Principal among the factors are those bordering on political interference, institutional inefficiency, obsolete laws, low annual income and nefarious activities to land speculators. On the basis of the identified problems and factors responsible, a land use proposal and a number of policy recommendations are put forward towards finding a lasting solution to the problems identified in the study area.
Appears in Collections:PhD theses and dissertations

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