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Authors: AUDU, Luqman Muhammed
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Abstract: Nigeria's power generation capacity is now far insufficient to satisfy the needs of the country's socioeconomic development. 82 % of the country's electricity is produced by thermal power plants, which have low capacity utilization and high greenhouse gas emissions. This has projected the necessity for the growth of hydropower. In underdeveloped nations, achieving this goal still presents some challenges due to inadequate meteorological and hydrological databases, which are mostly caused by the absence of functional gauging channels. The aim of the study is to develop a model for evaluating hydroelectric power potentials of River Orle, Edion and Orbeh in Edo North of Edo State. Measurements were carried out on River Orle, Edion and Orbeh with the determination of channel geometry, average monthly velocity, flow rate, hydro power and associated uncertainty. A 60 years data extension was effected from the observed two years discharged data using the Gauss Newton Regression Algorithm. The mass curve method was used to determine the storage capacity of the reservoir on the basis of the cumulative inflow process for a uniform discharge throughout the year. An optimal design approach was adopted for the penstock with Solid Works 2021 simulation used to determine penstock flow dynamics and characteristics. The developed, automated and validated flow model has an accuracy of 99.99%, 99.54% and 99.98% for cross sectional area, velocity and flow rate measurement respectively compare to the analytical process while being faster and more user friendly. The study established similar discharge characteristics for the three rivers with a uniform power output from R. Orle of 10.00 MW, 4.477 MW for Edion and 5.718 MW for R. Orbe with uncertainty of discharge measurement of ±10 %. The rivers are capable of yielding power throughout the year. A levelized cost of energy of $0.044/kWh was established for the hydropower plants. The EIA on the rivers indicated low level risk and impact by the reservoirs construction and operation to human and assets in the study area. The study concluded that the developed model is reliable and accurate in the evaluation of the hydroelectric generation potentials of rivers and recommend its implementation in the exploration of Nigeria hydropower resources that will provide the required electrical power generation to sustain the Nigerian economy
Appears in Collections:PhD theses and dissertations

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