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Title: Malware Detection, Supportive Software Agents and Its Classification Schemes
Authors: Adebayo, Olawale Surajudeen
Mabayoje, Modina A.
Mishra, Amit
Osho, Oluwafemi
Keywords: Malware
Malware Detection
Malware Classification
Malware Supportive Software Agents
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA)
Series/Report no.: Volume 4;6
Abstract: Over time, the task of curbing the emergence of malware and its dastard activities has been identified in terms of analysis, detection and containment of malware. Malware is a general term that is used to describe the category of malicious software that is part of security threats to the computer and internet system. It is a malignant program designed to hamper the effectiveness of a computer and internet system. This paper aims at identifying the malware as one of the most dreaded threats to an emerging computer and communication technology. The paper identified the category of malware, malware classification algorithms, malwares activities and ways of preventing and removing malware if it eventually infects system. The research also describes tools that classify malware dataset using a rule-based classification scheme and machine learning algorithms to detect the malicious program from normal program through pattern recognition
Appears in Collections:Cyber Security Science

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