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Title: Spatiotemporal Pattern of Vegetation Response to Rainfall Quality in the Sudano-Sahelian Ecological Zone, Nigeria
Authors: Akande, S.K.
Usman, M.T.
Musa, M
Dakpanchi., M. A.
Bello, A. S.
Usman, A. A.
Keywords: Rainfall
Moisture Quality Index
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Sahel journal of geography, environmental development
Citation: Akande, S.K., Usman, M.T., Musa, M., Dakpanchi., M. A., Bello, A.S & Usman, A.A. (2021) Spatiotemporal Pattern of Vegetation Response to Rainfall Quality in the Sudano-Sahelian Ecological Zone, Nigeria. Sahel journal of geography, environmental developmentvol.2(issue1&2), 2021
Abstract: The study examined the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Vegetation Response to Rainfall Quality in the Sudano-Sahelian Ecological Zone, Nigeria.
Appears in Collections:Geography

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