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Title: Heat transfer spray model: An improved theoretical thermal time-response to uniform layers deposit using Bessel and Boubaker polynomials
Authors: Dada, Michael
Awojoyogbe, Bamidele
Keywords: Temperature profile
Pyrolysis spray model
Heat transfer
Boundary conditions
Bessel polynomials
Boubaker polynomials
Issue Date: 1-May-2009
Citation: Dada, M., Awojoyogbe, O. B., & Boubaker, K. (2009). Heat transfer spray model: An improved theoretical thermal time-response to uniform layers deposit using Bessel and Boubaker polynomials. Current Applied Physics, 9(3), 622-624.
Series/Report no.: Curriculum Vitae;29
Abstract: This study presents temperature profiling theoretical investigations in a pyrolysis spray model. Calculations are based on heat transfer equation resolution in cylindrical coordinates. Boundary conditions are taken into account in the resolution algorithm at different stages.
Appears in Collections:Physics

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