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Title: Effects of crude acacia nilotica del. Root extracts in mice
Authors: Jigam, A.A
Muhammad, H.L
Adefolalu, F.S
Abdulkadir, A.
Jimoh, T.
Keywords: transamjnases, hepatocytes, Acacia nilotica, nephrons
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: International Journ3l of Applied Biological Research
Citation: Jigam et al.
Series/Report no.: ;3(1):55 - 65
Abstract: Acacia nilotka root extract is used for the management of malaria and other diseases in Northern Nigeria. An extract yield of 21.25% was obtained from dry Acacia roots on extraction with methanol. Alkaloids, glycosides, terpenoids, tannins and flavonoids were identified i n the extracts. The safe dose of the crude extract was determined in mice to be l00 mg/kg with LDso of 40 0mg/ kg body weight. Forty mice were divided in to two groups which served as test and control respectively and were assessed for the l ong term effects of crude acacia extracts over a five wee k period. The test groups were gavaged with 300mg/ kg body weigh tor the crude extract daily, while the control groups were each given normal saline (20 ml/ kg b .w) over the study pe riod. The resul ts ind icated significa n t (P<0 .05) decreases i n whol e body weigh t an d Packed Cel l Vol u m e (PCV). Serum Triglycerides, G l uta ma te Pyruva te Tra nsan inase (SG PT), Gluta m ate Oxaloaceta te Transa mi nase (SGOT) an d Chloride were significa n tly (P<0.05) elevated . No sign ifican t (P> 0.05) effects were obtai ned with Fasting Serum Glucose, Total Proteins, Alkal i ne Phosp hatase (ALP), Sodiu m an d Potasium ions. Histopathological examinations indicated no changes i n ca rdiac, pa n creatic, spleen and intesti nal tissues. H owever, a feathery degeneratio n of hepatocytes and destruction of nephrons were observed .
Description: Jigam et al
ISSN: 2141-1441
Appears in Collections:Biochemistry

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