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Title: Assessment of Cholesterol Contents in Egg Yolk and Yoghurt Samples.
Authors: Muhammad, H.L
Adeyemi, H.R.Y
Keywords: Cholesterol, Gallus domesticus, Melleagris galloparo, Anas plathyhncha, Numis melliagris, Collumbia luvias
Issue Date: 27-Oct-2010
Publisher: Book of Abstra.cts , 3o'h Annual Scientific Confere nce of Niger ia n Society of Biochemistry and Molecu lar Biology, Kebbi 20l0
Citation: Muhammad et al., 2010
Series/Report no.: ;Pg 34
Abstract: Ten yoghmt samples obtained from shops and supennarkets in Minna metropolis were analysed for cholesterol content using llca's reagent based on Lieberman n - Bu rchard reactio n . Except for samples G :md H with cholesterol val ues signi ficantl y ( P<0.05) higher than N A FDAC concentration range (0.55 - 3.50 mg Cfi,). all other samples had values w i th in the N A FDAC concentration l i mit. Five pai rs of bird s' eggs (local and hybrid), namely : Col/ us do111es1irns, M e/leag ris golloporo, A 11as platv/1_rnclw. N11111id 111el/ eogris and Colu111ba livio were al so obta i ned from M i n na Market and were analysed for cholesterol in the yol k usi ng spectrophotometer at absorhance of 650 nm. Cholesterol concentration of lhe yolk of local breed Col/us domesticus was significantl y (P<0.05) high (1 1.80 ::!: 0.46 mg/ml ) compared to other birds. The hyb1id of Colu111ba Livia had the lowest concentration (5.65 ± 0.44 mg/ml) of cholesterol. Based on the values obtained ' from these works, eight of the yoghu11 samples (except samples G and H) are considered safe for consumpti on, while Columba Livia considered the most prefeITed bi.rd safe for consumption.
Appears in Collections:Biochemistry

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