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Title: Evaluation Of The Serum Choleslerol, Cadmium and Urine Cadmium Levels in Smokers
Authors: Adefolalu, F. S
Muhammad, H.L
Keywords: cholesterol, ca mium, smoking, serum, urine
Issue Date: 4-Nov-2010
Publisher: Schoo of Science and Science Education, Federal University of Technology Minna
Citation: Adefolalalu and Muhammad, 2010
Abstract: The prevalent deaths from heart diseases resulting from smoki ng prom pted thi s stud y to determi ne the serum cholesterol and cadmium i n smokers. Higher levels of serum cholesterol (3.22 ±0. 1 8 mmol/L) wee obtained i n smokers than i n the non smokers (2.68 ±0 . 1 1 mmol/ L). Also serum cad mi um was hi gher i n smokers ( l.32± 0.fl mmol/L) and 0.13 ±0.04 µ1/L) for non smokers. U ri ne cad mi um was 0.89±0 .05m mol/ L for smokers and 0.87 ±0 .03 µl / L for non smokers. Durat i on and freq uency of smoki ng a l so had an elevati ng effect on the serum levels of cholesterol, and cad m i um as well as on the uri ne cad m i u m l evel. I n all the samples analysed , the cadmi um level did not exceed the WHO u pper acceptabl e l i m i t of 2µ 1/ L .
Description: Adefolalu et al.
Appears in Collections:Biochemistry

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