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dc.contributor.authorAdamu, B.B.-
dc.contributor.authorBabayi, H.-
dc.contributor.authorAyisa, T.T.-
dc.contributor.authorIdeh, R.R.-
dc.contributor.authorOkon, I.J.-
dc.description.abstractMicrobiological quality of fermented soy drink with isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from tamarind was evaluated. Soymilk was extracted from milled whole soybean grains,sieved and allowed to stay before subjecting it to pasteurization at76oC for 30 minutes and were thereafter divided into two: one portion inoculated with tamarind pulp juice containing 5.3×103 cfu/mL and the other with nono containing 11.6×103 cfu/mL. They were incubated at 42oC for 12 hours, and thereafter the products obtained were subjected to microbial analysis using the standard method. The Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated was characterized and identified using molecular techniques. Second generation fermented soy drink (A2) was produced using the back slopping method from the first generation fermented soy drink (A).The total viable count in fermented soy drink with tamarind (A), fermented soy drink with nono bought from Fulani woman hawking (B) and commercial yoghurt (C) ranged from 2.67×103 – 8.7×103 cfu/mL while coliform and fungal counts for B were 1.0×103 cfu/mL and 3.7×103 cfu/mL respectively. Neither coliforms nor fungal species were isolated in A and C. Sample A2 had lower bacterial count of 2.0×103 cfu/mL with no coliform and fungal growth. Species of Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas were isolated from the samples. Molecular identification of the isolates revealed coded strains of Lactobacillus. plantarumVJC38 16S, Lactobacillus plantarumM10, Lactobacillus pentosusZU 22 and PediococcuspentosaceusJN 1. Appropriate aseptic and HACCP techniques could significantly improve the microbiological quality of the fermented drink produced using isolates from tamarinden_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvol. 9;no. 9-
dc.subjectBacteria, Fermentation, Lactobacillus, Soy, Tamarind.en_US
dc.titleMicrobiological quality assessment of fermented soy drink from Tamarind and Nonoen_US
Appears in Collections:Microbiology

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