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Title: The Novel in the Time of Covid:Albert Caus" ThePlague
Authors: Shehu, Halima
Keywords: Plague, Covid, Existentialism, Absurdism, Postcoloninial theory
Issue Date: Mar-2022
Publisher: Journal of Educational Studies, Trends and Practice
Series/Report no.: ;Vol23 No8
Abstract: in this age, science and technology seems to overide everything but they have thier limits. When science fails, society turns to other forms of knowledge to find answers to questions or tomake sence out of what confoundsit. In such instances, literaturecomes into its own as it offers another way of understanding the human condition. Since the advent of corona virus ,theres been aresurgence of interest in novels that deals with pesttilence. While awaiting new novels about present experience, the pain and bawilderment coused bycorona virus has necessitated a return to literarry classic such as Albert Camus" The Pague (le Peste).
ISSN: 2285.8565
Appears in Collections:General Studies Unit

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