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Title: Population Density and Maintenance Budget Policy of Public Primary School Buildings in Minna, Niger State
Authors: IDIAKE, John, E.
Keywords: Budget, Deterioration, Maintenance, Population, Space.
Issue Date: Feb-2008
Publisher: School of Environmental Technology 2nd Annual Conference. 27th and 28th February, 2008
Series/Report no.: ;114-122
Abstract: This research work was carried out to measure the relationship between the growing population density of pupils and maintenance budget allocation to public primary school buildings. Also examined is the relationship between the population of pupils and classroom floor area available for learning purposes. This is to establish the fact that increases in population affects the rate of decay of public buildings. Using simple regression analysis model and testing at 95% confidence limit, it was established that the maintenance budget has a negative growth relationship with the population density which means that as the population density increases there is a corresponding decrease in maintenance budget. The coefficient of determination (R-square) value is 3.90% with P-value of 0.559. The regression growth model which is expressed as, maintbgt=1.479-0.015 popden shows a negative relationship. It was suggested that to eradicate urban decay and achieve effective maintenance management of public buildings such as schools in the state the factor of population density must be given due consideration when allocating maintenance budget.
Appears in Collections:Quantity Surveying

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