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Title: A Novel Cultural Evolution-Based Nomadic Pastoralist Optimization Algorithm (NPOA): The Mathematical Models
Authors: Ibrahim M. Abdullahi, Muhammed B. Mu’azu
Olayemi, M. Olaniyi
James, Agajo
Keywords: Optimization; Nature Inspiration;
Metaheuristics; Cultural Algorithm, Pastoralist Optimization Algorithm (POA); Nomadic Pastoralist Herding Strategy (NPHS);
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: 2nd International Conference of the IEEE Nigeria Computer Chapter (NigeriaComputConf)
Abstract: Abstract—In this paper, the mathematical models for a proposed novel modified Pastoralist Optimization Algorithm (POA) called the Nomadic Pastoralist Optimization Algorithm (NPOA) inspired by the nomadic pastoralists herding strategies and cultural evolution strategy is presented. The nomadic pastoralist herding strategies which are scouting, camping, herding, splitting and merging were mathematically modeled. The mathematical models will be used to develop the proposed algorithm. The algorithm when developed will be tested on several benchmark functions to ascertain the algorithms exploration and exploitative ability. The performance will also be validated by comparing with POA and other popular and similar metaheuristic algorithms such as GOA, PSO, ABC, BBO and ICA
Appears in Collections:Computer Engineering

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