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Title: Development of a Simple Programmable Control Timer
Keywords: Timer, Latch, Oscillator, Switching Transistor, Counter.
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2008
Publisher: Leonardo Journal of Sciences
Abstract: Conserving electricity has become increasingly important as energy rates and shortages have increased. Consumers can find a number of ways to cut back on their electrical use, especially with appliances commonly found in the home. Any economy that wants to advance must therefore embrace time management and proper conservation of electrical power supply. This can be achieved through limiting wastage in the limited power supply. The programmable control timer can be use to put ON or OFF any electrical appliance connected to it while the user attends to other things knowing fully well that Electronic Assistance is available. The user can preset the device to a certain value. This is possible with the use of set button on the device. The set button must be pressed to enable the time input buttons to be pressed. After presetting a certain time value, which is shown on the digital display, a press on the count button makes the preset time to countdown to zero. After attaining a “000” value, the appliance connected to its output sockets goes either ON or OFF.
ISSN: 1583-0233
Appears in Collections:Electrical/Electronic Engineering

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