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Title: Evaluation of Growth Performance and Body Composition of Clarias Gariepinus Fingerling Fed Graded Level of Bambara Nut Meal (Vigna substrarreana)
Authors: Orire, Abdullahi Muhammad
Sadiku, Suleiman.O.E.
Gana, Solomon N..
Keywords: waste
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology
Abstract: A 56-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the use of Bambara nut Meal (BNM) (vigna substrarreana) a plant protein to replace Fish meal (FM) in the diet of Clarias gariepinus. Five diets containing 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% Bambara nut meal as fishmeal replacement was formulated. The effect of BNM was evaluated as fishmeal replacer on the growth performance of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings (0.95±0.07g). At the end of the study, there were significant differences (P0.05) to diet 4 with 75% inclusion level. The findings showed that Bambara nut meal was accepted and utilized by the experimental fish up to 75% bambara nut meal replacement level of fishmeal. Fish feed producers and fish farmers can therefore include it in the feedsuffs
Appears in Collections:Water Resources, Aquaculture & Fisheries Technology

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