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Title: Acquisition of information literacy skills and use of electronic library resources by lecturers in university in North-Central, Nigeria
Authors: Ndagi, S. S.
Akor, P. U
Saka, K. A
Babalola, G. A
Keywords: Information literacy skill, Electronic library. Resource, Lecturers. University. North Central Nigeria
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Nigeria Library Association, Kaduna State Chapter
Citation: Ndagi, S. S., Akor, P. U., Saka, K. A. & Babalola, G. A. (2021). Acquisition of information literacy skills and use of electronic library resources by lecturers in university in North-Central, Nigeria. Proceedings of Nigeria Library Association, Kaduna State Chapter, 34-49
Abstract: This study examined the acquisition of information literacy skills and use of electronic library resources by lecturers in university in North-Central, Nigeria. Three specific objectives and corresponding research questions were formulated. Survey design was adopted. The population of the study consists of 18 librarians which comprised 9 University librarians and 9 e-librarian and 6.267 lecturers in Federal, State and Privately owned universities in North-Central, Nigeria. The study adopted cluster sampling technique to select the nine (9) out of 23 universities and Stratified sampling technique was adopted to choose 404 respondents (lecturers) from the selected universities in the North-Central Zone of Nigeria and quantitative method was used to elicit data from lecturers in using close-ended questionnaire. A cluster sampling technique was used in selecting respondents from each institution. The data collected were analysed by descriptive statistics. The study recommends provision of electronic resources and subscription of electronic journal should be made available by the university management and lecturers need to improve their information literacy skills in the area of computer use and Internet search skills through training and retraining
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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