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Authors: ADENIJI, Sheila Mofesola
Issue Date: 22-Oct-2021
Abstract: Mixed-use buildings are characterized by their live-work-play concept ensuring that most activities are achieved within a particular site. Despite their numerous benefits, they experience a wide range of problems including high energy consumption, it is therefore vital that energy conservation measures are employed in such buildings. This study investigated the integration of energy conservation measures in mixed-use building design in Akure, Ondo state. Data was collected through the exploration of academic research repositories using the key terms: energy conservation, sustainable design and mixed-use buildings, this data formed a part of the variables that the researcher termed as “general measures of energy conservation”, the researcher then employed the use of energy calculation software; Climate consultant, to generate specific measures for energy conservation in the study area and termed the data “specific measures of energy conservation”, these two data types formed the variables that were used in this research. Data was also collected with the use of observation schedule, checklist, and audio-visual aids by the researcher from the field after a sample size of 5 mixed-use buildings were carefully selected in Akure, Ondo state. The data was analysed using content analysis after careful documentation. The findings of the research showed that 100% of the samples observed integrated energy conservation measures in some degree in their building design, however, specific energy conservation measures were only integrated in 1/5 (20%) of the buildings at a moderate level of adoption (55%), general energy conservation measures were more predominant and were adopted by 4/5 (80%) of the samples on an average of 30%. Therefore, it was evident that even though the structures had some degree of energy conservation measures integrated, they were minimal and not specific for the climate the buildings were located. The paper suggests the use of energy calculation software by architects to aid in the design of energy conservative buildings and the establishment of laws and standards on the sustainable design of buildings to aid in promoting the construction of more buildings integrated with energy conservation measures.
Appears in Collections:Masters theses and dissertations

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