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Title: Geoelectrical Prospecting for Fractured Basement Aquifer in Northern Portion of Futminna's Bosso Campus, Minna, North Central Nigeria
Authors: Christopher Unuevho, Amadi Akobundu Nwanosike
Keywords: Geoelectrica, Fractured, Aquifer, Basement, Futminna's Bosso Campus
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2017
Publisher: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kaduna State University, Kaduna
Citation: NIL
Series/Report no.: nil;
Abstract: Only one out of three boreholes in the northern portion of FUTMINNA's Bosso Campus is productive. Values of hydrogeophysical parameters characterising fracture column at the productive borehole site were captured from vertical electrical resistivity and spontaneous potential (SP) sounding data. The values were employed to identify other sites with potential for groundwater production in the area. Sounding locations LI, L8, L14, L19 and L20 contain fracture column characterised by 200-400?m resistivity: -10 to 20mV SP. 1200-2400?m² transverse unit resistance and 0.05-0.1?' longitudinal unit conductance. Boreholes sited at these locations would be productive because the fracture column therein has identical values of hydrogeophysical parameters with the fracture column at the productive borehole site. Sounding locations 14 and 20 were found to be groundwater convergence zones respectively within north-western and eastern portions of the investigated area. The fracture column in the vicinity of sounding location 20 is thickest and more spatially extensive, thereby making the eastern sector the most suitable for drilling productive borehole
Description: nil
ISSN: 2579-1168
Appears in Collections:Geology

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