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Title: Palynological and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of OL-A Well Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria
Authors: UJOH, O.L
Keywords: N/A
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Bissalam Printers
Abstract: Palynological analysis was carried out on 133 ditch cutting samples of a section (7810-3340ft) of OL-A well, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria with the view of determining the age, biozone and depositional environment of the sediment within the interval. Acid method was used for the palynomorph recovery. A total of fifty five (55) palynomorph species were recovered. The section was dated Oligocene to early Miocene due to the occurrence of the diagnostic marker species such as: Cicatricosisporites dorogensis, Arecipites exilimuratus, Echiperiporites estelae. Taxon range zone of Cicatricosisporites dorogensis zone, Concurrent range of Arecipites exilimuratus- Striatricolpite catatumbus zone, and interval zone of Pachydermites diederixi- Peregrinipollis nigreicus zone was established based on the palynomorph marine index, the section was inferred to be deposited in freshwater to brackish and marine environment.
Description: The paper investigates the Palynological and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of OL-A Well Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria.
ISSN: 2635-3334
Appears in Collections:Geology

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