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Title: The relationship of biofilms and physicochemical properties of soil samples with corrosion of water pipelines in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
Authors: Oyewole, Oluwafemi Adebayo
Keywords: biofilms
physicochemical properties
water pipes
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Continental J. Microbiology
Citation: Oyewole, O.A. (2011). The relationship of biofilms and physicochemical properties of soil samples with corrosion of water pipelines in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. Continental J. Microbiology 5 (2): 1 - 10
Abstract: This study investigated the relationship of biofilms and physicochemical properties of soil samples with corrosion of water pipelines in Barkin-Sale, Bosso, Chanchaga, Keteren-Gwari, Maikunkele and Kwangila areas of Minna metropolis. Corroded water pipes and soil samples were analysed for microbiological and physicochemical properties and their influence on corrosion correlated between the months of February and July, 2008. The corrosion products detected in the soil samples were sulphide and phosphide. The mean concentration of sulphide ranged from 1020 to 3033ppm and that of phosphide ranged from 13.50 to 22.58ppm. The mean organic carbon ranged from 0.35 to 0.89%, mean organic matter ranged from 0.62 to 1.57%, mean pH ranged from 6.73 to 7.70 and mean moisture ranged from 4.33 to 16.63%. There was a significant difference (P0.05) in their pH. The mean total aerobic bacterial counts ranged from 3.5x103cfu/g to 7.2x104cfu/g, mean total aerobic bacterial counts ranged from 3.0x103cfu/g t0 5.6x105cfu/g. total aerobic bacterial counts (TABC) was positively correlated with phosphide and negatively correlated with organic matter, pH, moisture, total fungal counts (TFC) and total anaerobic bacterial counts (TAnBC). The total anaerobic bacterial counts (TAnBC) was positively correlated with sulphide, phosphide, organic carbon, organic matter and pH while the total fungal counts (TFC) was positively correlated with sulphide, organic carbon, organic matter, pH and moisture and negatively correlated with phosphide total aerobic bacterial counts and total anaerobic bacterial counts
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