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Title: Instructional Delivery at Secondary School Level Using Tape recorder
Authors: Alabi, T. O.
Aniah, A.
Bolarinwa, R.
Omodara, O. D.
Keywords: ape recorder, Oral English, Vowels, Consonants, Stress and Rhymes
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Nigerian journal of Teacher Education and Teaching
Citation: Alabi, T. O.; Anthony A.; Bolarinwa, R. & Omodara O. D. (2012) Instructional Delivery at Secondary School Level Using Tape recorder. Nigerian Journal of Teacher Education and Teaching 10(1), 396-405
Series/Report no.: 10/1;396-405
Abstract: This study examines the 'Instructional Delivery at Secondary Level using Tape recorder on Students' performance in Oral English. The increase in the inability of students to cope with and comprehend components of Oral English i.e. vowels, Consonants, Stress and Rhyme necessitated the search for a more effective teaching strategy to improve their level of understanding and performance. A total of 80 students in Senior Secondary one (1) were randomly selected. The design adopted was pretest post test Experimental- Control design. Students from one school formed the experimental group. They were taught using the conventional teaching method. The research instrument was validated and its reliability determined as 0.98. T-test was used to analyze the data. Results reveal that the use of tape recorder was a more effective strategy than the chalk and talk teaching method in enhancing students understanding and perfomance of Oral English. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the use of tape recorder as an instructional delivery strategy should be adopted by teachers in Nigeria Secondary Schools. And government should provide ICT multimedia facilities like tape recorders, video recorders, projectors, etc to facilitate teaching and learning in our school especially for Oral English
Appears in Collections:Educational Technology

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